Hello! My name is Hannah and I am a self-confessed country bumpkin living in the suburbs of Cardiff. Originally from Brighton, I moved to Wales at a very young age, spending my childhood growing up in a small market town, and then my more formative years in a hill-top village in the valleys. This has definitely contributed to my love of all things countryside.
I started "Hannah's Homespun Life" back in May 2013, in the full throngs of wedding planning and wondering where the hell I was going with my career, I decided to start up this little corner of the internet to help centre my thoughts, and document my day to day life, learning to appreciate the simple things which make our lives rich and interesting and exciting, and not becoming bogged down by those which are more changeable like job and living situations.
Since this blog began, I have become a married woman (as of August 2014), I'm on only my 2nd full-time job since leaving Uni, and I'm still in the same dinky little Edwardian flat with my lovely husband.
This blog was set up to create a space for other like-minded individuals to come and see what I get up to from time to time, as I attempt to slow down a little and appreciate life's simple pleasures, be-it from a seasonal walk in the park, to sewing projects and baking day produce, or day trips and adventures to far off places. It's all about appreciating what's right infront of us without shouting "Hey, look at my perfect life!" because it is by far from perfect.
I'm just a normal (sort-of) 26yr old, muddling her way through life trying to figure it out as I go along. And I hope you'll come along for the journey.
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